Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am 40 weeks pregnant, my due date was yesterday. does anyone have advice for me?

i just would like to know if anyone knows good ways to encourage the baby to want to come out.I am 40 weeks pregnant, my due date was yesterday. does anyone have advice for me?
sex, walking, sex, walking

also try this...it is from another answer i sound on Yahoo Answers entitled ';SURE fire was to induce labor';:

I rubbed castroil on my belly and keep my belly warm with a blow drier the contractions started within 20 minutes you will have to keep applying the oil as it soaks in the oil helps get the uterus contracting the heat helps pull the oil in ,keep doing this until they are started very will good luck here is more info in labor inductions This has been a favorite remedy for birthing moms and midwives for a very long time. It is used internally and externally to stimulate the uterus, soften the cervix, and help initiate labor.

Rubbing castor oil on the belly and covering with a warm towel will help initiate labor if the cervix is right

Ripening Up of an Unripe Cervix

Before labor can begin, the cervix must ';ripen';. It can be checked with the fingers by a feeling method. The unripe cervix will feel like the tip of the nose. As the cervix ripens, it will soften up. A ripe cervix will feel softer and more pliable, like the lips or the tongue.

If it is necessary to initiate labor and the cervix is not ripe, these two herbs and other suggestions which may help to hasten the ripening.

CAUTION: Do not put your fingers or anything else in the vagina if the membranes are not intact!

Evening Primrose Oil (EPO):

Taking three capsules daily for up to a week, may ripen the cervix.

Opening up capsules of EPO, squeezing oil out onto fingers and gently massage oil directly onto, around and into the cervical os (opening). This is helpful for after contractions have started and a rigid os is a problem. If this is the case, then the fingers should hold the os open through two or three contractions.

Red Raspberry Leaf and Evening Primrose

NOTE: Evening Primrose should NOT be used throughout pregnancy.

Red raspberry leaf tea has been used for thousands of years as a uterine tonic. Its use strengthens and tones the reproductive organs but does not stimulate uterine contractions, making it safe for use throughout pregnancy. Evening primrose, however, definitely plays a role in labor induction, as I have seen with women who use it as a vaginal suppository to soften the cervix and ';get things going'; during the last days of their pregnancies (do not insert anything into your vagina if your membranes have already ruptured, though!) Both herbs are safe and gentle to women when used with wisdom during pregnancy - red raspberry throughout, and primrose oil at the very end when both mother and baby are prepared for birth.

After 38 weeks of pregnancy, a recommended dosage of 2,500 mg tablets per day of evening primrose oil is taken orally to systemically soften all tissues (including cervix and perineum, especially if cervical scarring or previous perineal injury exists) along with 1 cup of red raspberry leaf tea from 28 weeks, increasing red raspberry leaf tea to 2 cups from 32 weeks and then increasing the dosage of red raspberry leaf tea to 3 cups from 36 weeks gestation, then as needed in labor to strengthen and tone the uterus.

Reprinted from Midwifery Today E-News (Vol 2 Issue 4, Jan 28, 2000)

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Black Cohosh Tincture:

Take 10 drops of tincture under the tongue hourly. This will have noticeable effect on the cervix in three or four hours. Continue until the cervix is fully soft and ripe.

Nipple Stimulation:

Stimulation of the nipples is a very effective way for ripening the cervix and initiating labor. Have someone else suck continuously on the nipple, or roll the nipple between the thumb and finger. This may need to be continued for many hours to establish regular labor. It is fine to rest during a contraction and resume stimulation as it fades.

Sexual Activity %26amp; Intercourse:

Sexual activity acts in the same fashion as stimulation of the nipples, if not more intense. If sexual orgasm is achieved, this may actually initiate labor contractions through the release of hormones that cause uterine and pelvic contractions found in orgasm. If the woman's partner is male, the semen contains a natural prostaglandin that will often soften the cervix and help with labor initiation. This semen may be applied directly to the cervical os. Some midwives have actually suggested that oral ingestion of seminal fluid may act just as well (not to mention relaxing the tense father-to-be!). Many a time a midwife has stepped out of the bedroom to allow the couple some ';loving time'; together in a slow or stalled labor and the wonderful acts of loving often end up producing a baby not too soon afterwards. It is wise to keep in mind that the act of loving put the baby there to begin with and it may be the remedy to helping the baby to be born as well.

Initiating LI am 40 weeks pregnant, my due date was yesterday. does anyone have advice for me?
Well, many women, especially 1st time moms have their babies at or around 41 weeks - that's normal (not at 38 weeks or before). Sure the due date passed you by, but there is no such thing as a due date, there is only a period of waiting starting at 38 weeks and ending at 42 weeks if you haven't delivered by then.

I delivered at 41.5 and 41.7 weeks, it's a long time to wait - mostly terrible when you are faced with a c-section at 42 weeks if labor doesn't start on it's own (for me anyway). But the baby comes when the baby is ready.

Of course, you can place evening primrose oil caplets near your cervix at bedtime or before a nap - 2-3 caplets. It contains prostoglandin precursors that will help ripen your cervix, it helped with my last delivery.
Walking and things are the best way. Having sex they say, but you have to be careful seeing if the baby has already dropped, you can't be to rough. My mother told me she did 100 squats with me and i came a few hours later, it's like she was helping me come. So that might help. They say rocking your hips helps the baby ease down. So really if nothing helps then that means the baby isn't ready right now.

I know you don't wanna hear it. I tried it all and then some, from the start of 30 weeks! The only thing that finally worked for me was my dr stripping my membranes. I was in labor in less than 24 hrs. Still not dilating! Contractions weren't even regular but were very intense and all over the place, like 2 minutes apart for awhile and then not another until 10 minutes or longer, it was crazy.
the baby will come when he/she is ready, mine didn't wanna come out lol, he was 9 days late. it must of been warm and cosy in there, he probably heard me saying how cold it was with all the Snow outside.

I tried sex, lots of walking, and a few things nothing worked for me.
walk do a lot of walking around it helps my mom and my friend was past due and they walked around and soon enough they water broke

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