Monday, August 23, 2010

Im going on a first date and i need advice from males and females!?

what creeps guys out? what should i do? not do? HELP!Im going on a first date and i need advice from males and females!?
be yourself,

go with the flow,

and don't try too hard.

have fun! :)Im going on a first date and i need advice from males and females!?
Don't be clingy or needy or pushy and overbearing. Just be yourself, be calm, confident and interesting. He obviously chose to ask you out so that's one battle over with. Listen more than you talk at first so you can pick up on some clues about him and go with the flow....and remember, he's probably just as nervous as you.

And don't have sex on a first date!!! if you're too easy he won't respect you enough to ask you out on a second date!
Just be yourself...and don't talk about your previuos relantionships, religion, and money...

Relax and let it flow...ask him what kind of music he listens to and stuff that is interesting to both of you
Have something to talk about. A long silence (10 min), makes guys want to cry, beacuse he can't think of anything to say, it drives us crazy. Other than that be yourself!
be your self. the guys sometimes didn't enjoy girl talkative type, and they like girl gave intention to what they said. good luck. p/s: no kiss at first date. lol.
put pumpkin spice behind your ears,lavender,heels,lipgloss,Good luck i wish you all the luck in my good luck charm tonight!
Just be yourself. Try not to impress. And don't dress like a slut. Dress sexy but tasteful. Have a good time.
dump the guy your probaly to ugly for him anyway lol
just be yourself and have some fun!

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