I met a guy for lunch today and it was a disaster. Almost blind date, we had swapped emails a few times.
He seems like a nice guy, I just didn't click with him at all (and he was kind of funny looking).
He's emailed because he wants to see me again. Which is better, tell him I'm not into him or just ignore the email?Bad date advice?
i had a date like that with a chav over msn :s which was embarassing coz she met her friends and they were like whos that and saying ur not goin out with him are you.
now im never goin to have a date over internet lol
and say im sorry but ive got a boyfriend or sumin like that lolBad date advice?
Best to be honest (although not too honest). Tell him you had a good time and thank him for his time but it just wasn't right for you. Then wish him good luck for the future. Most of the time, guys will understand and bow out gracefully.
Just email him back and tell him that you don't feel that you have a connection. Tell him that you think he is a nice guy, but you just arent interested ( in a nice way!) good luck!
Just ignore the email.
He will most likley get over you sooner or later..
tell him that you're not into him, at least that way he won't continue to e-mail you thinking that he's still got a chance.
Tell him nothing is there for you.Either a chance of friendship
or any thing else.After that ignore.
If it was me I'd rather you said why rather than ignore me...lots of girls do that and it's just ignorant
Be honest, let him know, it will benefit you both.
be honest but GENTLE! say you realised that you only liked him as a friend.
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