ok. Thanks for answering this question...
I went on a date with..{some guy.}
During the date I got a call from my brother, Noah, telling me that our grandpa, that we all were very close to, died.
I totally broke down, literally sobbing on the restaurant floor.
That guy took me home, and I left the car, not even being able to say goodbye to him properly without crying histerically again.
Keep in mind that this guys dad commited suicide last year.
Now, that guy has totally cut off from me.
鈥gnoring texts
鈥voiding phonecalls
鈥eleting emails
Did I scare him off or what?Breakdown on a date advice?
If this guy's father committed suicide, he is probably very easily re-traumatized. It's not your fault and you did nothing wrong. I believe he CANNOT deal with any emotions or deaths right now, so he's avoiding you completely. It's not personal. He's just protecting himself from further trauma. And I think you need someone who isn't traumatized.
My condolences on the loss of your grandpa. He must have been a wonderful man.Breakdown on a date advice?
No, i don't think you scared him off maybe it was just the fact that your grandpa died and it may have reminded him of his dad. Bad memories is possibly what it was and now every time he sees you he thinks of his dad's death it was totally not even your fault though i'm not exactly close to my g-pa but i probably would've done the same if someone close to me died don't beat yourself up over it you can move on and have better dates in the future now. Good luck with everything!
It sounds like you might've. He might not know how to deal. Call or something in a week or two, apologize for what happened, that you didn't mean to break down the way you did, but it caught you off guard and it was something really hard for you to handle, and ask him if he will forgive you and if you can start over or something.
I am very sorry about your grandpa, really, I am sorry..............and about this guy, he has shown no manners, no heart, he doesn't care. That is not cool at all!!, he supposed to call youj ust to see if you are OK? you know? acceptable if he gives you the space you need right now...but not erase you!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry about him, sweetheart, he is not worth at all! we, women, don't need a stone heart like this one, do you?
Do not contact him at all, and if he does, justapologize for your reaction but don't acceptto go out again.
Maybe so. But if he couldn't be understanding enough to look past that situation then you didn't need him anyway. Because things are going to happen in life and you need a man who will be that shoulder you can cry on if need be. So it says a lot about his character. Just find someone else and start over fresh. Don't continue to try to call him, he will call you if he wants to talk to you. However stay fly (take care of yourself).
Um...yeah, I'll say you did scare him and probably really embarassed him too. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandfather. It's understandable that you got really emotional, but since it was your first date and you broke down causing a seen on the restaurant floor...you can't really blame the guy.
He probably is thinking of his dad and are going through some unresolved stuff himself.
He can also be wondering if he is a right person for you, if he can support you the way you need him to and maybe he feels that he isn't.
Go and see him and ask him for sure.
you probably didn't scare him off. he either knows that you need time to grieve and heal or he is re-upset about the suicide of his own father. give it a little time and don't hound him with e-mails and text. let him see that you are doing better and hopefully he'll come back around. i hope this helps you, and sorry for your loss.
How long has it been since you heard from him? If you scared him off then he is not worth it. You lost someone very close to you and it hurt you. He obviously isn't good enough for you. Don't worry about him. Move on. I am sorry about your loss!! !
I guess you did, but that's pathetic that he wasn't more understanding. Girl, you can do way better. Who needs/wants an insensitive guy anyways, right?
You freaked him out he didnt know you well enough to have sympathy for you so he just saw you as strange. Dont worry move on you reacted fine.
Most likely, yes.
not every guy can deal with a very emotional woman
may b hes respecting your privacy and givin u time 2 think
He feels like you need a lot of comfort and support. He doesn't know you well enough, doesn't fee comfortable enough to give it to you. Is ignoring you b/c he knows he can't give you what you need in this stage of the relationship.
That being said, this is a common reaction. The good guys would at least try to be there for you given all this. The jerks cut you off and go with someone who's ready to have fun and maybe get naked.
I'm sorry it's a harsh reality. Is it unreasonable that he doesn't care about you that much yet? No. At the same time, doesn't his actions say something about his character? (I'll let you answer that one)
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